Laurie Markowitz, owner/instructor/Energy & Sound Healer

E-RYT500, YACEP, Laurie loves sharing her passion for yoga with others and fostering a community of self-care, connection and empowerment. She meditates daily and is dedicated to finding time for herself to explore nature, creative outlets, and personal wellness activities. Laurie completed her 200-hr. yoga training with a focus in Ashtanga and Hatha yoga, is a certified Level 2 Reiki practitioner and is trained in iRest Yoga Nidra meditative practice and Yin Yoga. She completed her advanced 300-hr. training with Josh Summers specializing in Chinese Medicine, Yin Yoga and Yin Meditation. In 2024, Laurie trained with Meditate: School of Mindfulness & Sound to receive certifications as a Level 1 Practitioner of Sound Therapy and Level 2 Practitioner of Vibrational Therapy.

Laurie created The Balancing Owl, LLC in 2013 to help others find life balance by offering retreats, workshops, and classes. She opened Balancing Owl Yoga & Wellness Community in Dublin, Ohio in 2016, providing space for others to connect to themselves and others in a non-competitive, safe and judgement-free community.

To learn more or book an Energy Healing Session with Laurie, click here.

To learn more or book a Sound & Vibration Healing Session with Laurie, click here.

More About Laurie

Q.- How did you first come to find yoga? Many years ago while on a vacation in Grande Cayman, I took a beach yoga class at a resort. I felt so inspired at a time in my life where I was seeking passion and peace. When I came home, I took a beginner class and the rest was history.

Q.- What are some key ways it has supported you in your life? Since I found yoga, it has been the grounding practice I’ve needed to find balance in my life. It helps me balance the external activity with an internal connection. Each time I practice, I am reminded of my center. My oneness. And I feel rejuvenated.

Q. What do you like most about teaching? Everything. I love the community. I love learning from my students. I love being creative with the classes. I love how I feel after.

Q- Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself? I live in Dublin with my husband, Mike. We have 4 kids between us, most in college. I love nature, especially trees and water. Most days you’ll find me outside in my hammock with my dogs, Brownie & Billie. I love my pets and also have an orange tabby cat named Sunshine and a guinea pig named Tuxedo. I am also a huge lover of music of all kinds, especially live and outdoors. I love to read and spend time with my family.

Q- If you could learn anything new what would it be? I am currently studying the art of Sound Healing. I’ve dabbled and played with it in my classes but am excited to attend training later this year.

Q- Name something on your bucket list. To continue to strive for joy each and every day. What do I need to do to feel grateful today and bring joy to my life. I only have one so I want to enjoy every minute!