Do you hold tension in your neck and shoulders? Perhaps you sit for long stretches of time or hunch over your phone and computer? Posture, sleeping habits and long-term stress may play a role in the unwanted tightness in your neck, shoulders and upper back. Tension in the neck can cause headaches, soreness, decreased mobility and dips in mood. Now is the time to take care of yourself!
Join us for a Neck & Shoulders Workshop to unwind and release tension with a gentle chair-based sequence focused on increasing ease and mobility. Practice targeted poses to incorporate into your day to promote more movement and ease in your body. Learn basic anatomy and build your understanding of how and why your body can become more comfortable through movement.
Suitable for all levels, this workshop will include visuals to facilitate learning poses and anatomy, a slow flow sequence to warm the body, deeper stretches to open and soften shoulders, neck and upper back, plus relaxing, restorative poses to sink into the space you've created.
Fee: $49 (10% off automatically applied at checkout for members). *If you have financial concerns about attending, please contact the studio.
For more info. or to register, go to: